"Clark realized he had tears on his face. Why, in his life of frequent travel, had he never recognized the beauty of flight?" (247) Good concise line about the classic lesson of not realizing what you had until it's gone. "On the clearest nights the stars were a cloud of light across the breadth of the sky, extravagant in their multitudes. When Clark first noticed this, he wondered if he was possibly hallucinating." (251) which I interpret as a darkly humorous joke about how normalized light pollution is in modern society.
1: Clark has become a museum curator. I don't remember if it was established before that he was gay, but that's neat. It feels like Jeeves has become more desensitized/cynical, but that could just be me. He is basically a doctor, and is married.
Physically, people survive by setting up primitive infrastructure: gardens, fires, hunting groups, scavenger groups, etc. Mentally, some people survive by not thinking about what they lost, some by social interaction, some by getting really overzealous about religion, and some by contributing to the museum.
2: The museum, on top of being a community project, is a window into the past. A place to look in awe of the stuff from before the virus, similar to when Clark cried upon seeing the beauty of an airplane taking off. If I had to make a museum of civilization, I would probably include most of the things that Clark does in the book. Tech, magazines/books, knickknacks, etc. I'd maybe try to get a process going by which we create our own paper via. wood pulp and hand-make copies of books from the old world.
3: To be honest, I'm confused by this question, the described events don't happen in either chapter. The disappeared members come back to the symphony, not the other way around.
4: Diater (Dieter?) dies from being chemically knocked out, an archer dies, and the prophet's posse all die. We don't get much in the way of the other character's thoughts, but Kristen seems to get lost in the beauty/horror of the world as they're on the run.
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