Long long ago, before the dawn of time and space, a being of unfathomable scale and power took its last breath, its limp body sinking through the surrounding void, veins bleeding time and body rotting into universes, but some universes were made of flesh that wasn't so decayed, that was fresh enough that it still had some of that infinite power that every primordial scavenger sought to harness, and harness they did, creating vast inter-universal empires headed by warlords wielding god-like power, who hoarded their territories like raccoons, if raccoons were so inclined to hold territory, but some raccoons are more ambitious than others, and warlords were no different, as one of them, Ygadle, had a scheme, by using their near-infinite power, they could repurpose one of their universes into a device known as the Eternity Engine, a hyperspherical construct, quadrillions of light years in diameter, with the capability of pumping the temporal blood back into the corpse from which all re...