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Showing posts from February, 2024

Uh Oh, Racism!

     The danger of a single story is that it reduces a people down to one thing (oftentimes negative) which influences the real life perceptions of that group by others. Nkali (to be greater than another) is a part of the issue because those who wield that power are able to dictate how an entire people or culture is viewed by controlling the story. As Adichie says: "T he problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue,  but that they are incomplete.  They make one story become the only story."      Overwhelmingly, what I believe we should all take away from this speech, is that it really IS a shame that all young Americans  are serial killers... and if there's a second thing to take away, it's that diversity in stories is vitally important to a better understanding of people, and therefore, vitally important to world-peace.      To be honest, I found the story quite hard to follow in the first half. I barely registered tha...

They're Called Cell Phones Because The Phone is of Out Hot Cell Eat The Phone

     (The title is a reference, if you don't understand, don't worry about it.)      These two articles are a bit more linked than normal, as one is a direct response to the other. Though aside from the fact that they both talk about phones and are written in English, there aren't many comparisons I can make, they differ from each other quite severely.     First, and most obviously, their stances on cellphones are direct opposites. The one titled "Have Smartphones Destroyed A Generation?" Is, shockingly (not really,) thinks that the impact smartphones have on the youths is negative overall, whereas the response, "No, Smartphones are Not Destroying a Generation" thinks that this is not the case (another shocking revelation, I know)     There are also some more minor differences in format, for example, the response is much shorter than the paper it's responding to, which I appreciate greatly because my attention span is garbage. The source...

Fairies and Devils and Cryptids, Oh My!

Arthur Conan Doyle, ironically, made a mistake that Sherlock also made. In  "A Scandal in Bohemia" (The first short story featuring Sherlock, and the 3rd overall story), Sherlock is outsmarted in the end because he underestimates the person he was investigating (a woman) due to her status. In much the same way, Arthur himself was fooled because he underestimated how skillful working class children could be with photography.     He also had a man, who was already very adamant on the existence of fairies, be the one to investigate the scene of the crime for authenticity (the crime, in this case, being fraud. Though neither of them knew that.) I don't have a story to compare this to, because Sherlock never did that as far as I'm aware... Well, I haven't seen the Sherlock Gnomes movie, so maybe he did it in that.     One thing I notice is that, in the PDF, it lists a 4th mistake in regards to them getting the girls to get more pictures, but that's actually fairly ...

Self-destructive reality, again

Part 1:      An infinite being died. It floated through nothing. The corpse slowly rotting. Its blood was time. Its flesh was space. Universes bubbled from skin. New life arose inside. The universes had power. Some more than others. The life evolved. The life ventured continents. The life ventured planets. The life ventured stars. The life ventures universes. Then It became selfish. It life sought power. Grand empires were built. Empires spanning the multiverse. Empires controlled by warlords. Their power was godlike. Their greed was insatiable. Their mutual hatred, fiery. One warlord was Ygadle. Ygadle built a machine. The machine could rejuvenate. It was big. It was powerful. It was feared. Ygadle would conquer everything. Other warlords teamed up. A great siege happened. Ygadle fell. The warlords still fought. They wanted the machine. The war waged on. Epoch after epoch passed. Warlord after warlord fell. Finally, only one remained. Glthmir was his name. Glthmir now ru...